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Grocery voucher - $50

Fighting cancer and bills

"I can't complain life was good until I turned 47."

She lives alone as her parents are elderly and her father has dementia and she doesn't want to be a burden to her mother. She is a survivor of Domestic Violence. Three years ago she was diagnosed with cancer and since that time she has undergone 18 operations including double mastectomies. Still undertaking weekly chemotherapy. Has been on a Disability Support Pension for the past three years and finances are tough. She has been considering selling her car, despite the fact that she can use public transport due to her being immuno compromised.

At the moment, she is struggling with the cost of medications (approx. $300 per month) + $60 per month for bandages due to neuropathy.

Would appreciate a chance to get on top of her bills by getting some vouchers to assist with medical costs.


Post/Courier Voucher


South Brisbane QLD 4101

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Grocery voucher - $50


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