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Western Australia Flooding

GIVIT is the smart way to help people affected by the WA Floods

In January 2023, heavy rainfall caused by Ex-Tropical Cyclone Ellie caused widespread flooding across the Kimberley region in Western Australia. Homes were destroyed, and the destruction of roads and disruption of infrastructure left remote towns and communities isolated.

Recovery from the WA Floods is ongoing, and has been complicated by the cost of living and the remoteness of the communities impacted. To see how your donations are making an impact, click here.

GIVIT is working with the Western Australia Government's Department of Communities, Shire of Derby West Kimberley, Department of Fire and Emergency Services and other support organisations to help people get the essential items and services they need for recovery from these floods.

100% of publicly donated funds received by GIVIT will be used to purchase exactly what's needed by people and communities impacted by the floods. Every dollar helps!

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