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Domestic & Family Violence

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Woman escaped a war torn country, husband, brother & father all martyred, now supporting 4 children in Australia.

This woman is from a landlocked country located at the crossroads of Central Asia and South Asia. She arrived in Australia a year and a half ago with four of her five children. Tragically, another child was trapped under the Taliban regime but has recently escaped to Iran. This woman's husband, brother and father were all martyred in this war torn country. Her 18-year-old child, who suffers from depression left school 18 months ago and is currently unemployed. Her 19-year-old child dreams of attending University but hasn't yet been able to due the the financial strain this woman has trying to support her family. Her younger children are in High school. This woman receives Centrelink benefits but the payment is insufficient to support four teenage children with dreams. The home that this family live in lacks furniture, they do not have a Television, they do not have a children's study desk nor do they have a laptop. Please support this war torn family.


Sydney NSW 2000


This woman has 3 children in high school and one that has left school but is unemployed and depressed.

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2 needed
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$600.00 each

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Domestic & Family Violence


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