Big W voucher - $50
We host Christmas lunch with sit down table service, bon bons, live music and love for homeless Territorians.
Christmas is a time for people to enjoy. Our Christmas Party for the homeless is one such occasion. People experiencing homelessness face challenges every day and at Christmas time it's nice to be able to provide some reprieve to the hardships this group face. In a Territory Wet Season, the days can be uncomfortable, humid hot and unpredictable cold and rainy. Our Homeless Clients often request raincoats or tarps to stay dry during this season. Practical and tangible gifts like hats, back packs or sunglasses are well received. We appreciate all help with party supplies, or gifts.
87 % of our guests are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander peoples, and we support people from all walks of life who are experiencing crisis throughout the year, but we like to make Christmas extra special.