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First Nations Support

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Recycled Yoga mats

12 bed residential rehabilitation & healing service for Aboriginal young people (male & female),16-25years.

As a voluntary program, we enable, a safe & supportive environment for young people to manage their alcohol & drug issues through active participation in therapeutic & structured programs designed to assist them, develop their living skills, & strengthen their cultural identity & spiritual well-being.
We help young people to improve their physical, social ,emotional well-being & strengthen their connection to family, community &culture through the use of a holistic recovery model which includes individual & group therapy, as well as recreational, educational & vocational activities.
The model of care draws from the Aboriginal designed Social and Emotional Well-being framework acknowledging colonisation, relationship to country & kinship. We deliver care, recognising the significant challenges faced by Aboriginal youth, such as family violence, racism & inter-generational trauma, all of which have been also been impacted by the COVID pandemic and region impacted by storms & floods


Hastings VIC 3915

Recycled Yoga mats

Since last year we have consistently had weekly regular sessions for Yoga therapy for our young indigenous live in residents. We have a great local yoga teacher. We are hoping to obtain 4 more amazing x YOGA MATs, Yoga Oceans Garden Aboriginal Design, Eco Rubber & Microfibre approx 0.6 x 1.8m, 5mm thickness and 4 x Yoga Blocks THE RECYCLED FLIP-FLOPS THAT OCEAN SOLE USES TO PRODUCE THESE BLOCKS ARE COLLECTED FROM THE BEACHES, WATERWAYS, AND LANDFILLS IN KENYA., these mats are in line with our cultural theme and look and feel amazing.

You are offering to fund what's needed:

4 needed
No more than 4 are needed to fill this request
$105.00 each

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