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Domestic & Family Violence

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Voucher for driving lessons

18 year old Aborginal young man previously in the care of child safety working towards independence & employment.

This young person has a passion for cars and everything car related! He desperately wants to start a mechanics traineeship but is not able to do this without a license. He has extremely limited informal supports & therefore no one to take him driving. He has failed the past 2 times he has attempted his P's test as he has been unable to practice his driving for months before going for his test. He is seeking driving lessons so he can practice his driving & build up his confidence so he is then able to pass his test, get his license, finally start the mechanics traineeship and obtain his dream job as a mechanic..


Drop off Post/Courier Voucher


Nundah QLD 4012

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Voucher for driving lessons

Wanting a voucher for driving lessons. Preferably 3 lessons, but anything is appreciated!
Young person is in Caboolture would need to be a provider that services that area.
Young person has his own car so would prefer if the driving instructor is able to go in young persons car, but okay if this is not possible.

Thanks so much!

You are offering to purchase this item, or a voucher from a local store, and pay delivery costs to get it to the recipient's support organisation.

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I can purchase a voucher and email it to the organisation

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