Bags containing essential items
We are looking for support from the community to help us fund the production of our emergency Bags. These bags are made for every age group and gender and hold essential items like warm clean new clothes, bottles, underwear, pyjamas, a book, a soft teddy, a small toy, nappies, wipes, nappy cream, soap etc. The bags (backpacks) are given to children who are removed from home and often have little to no possessions. The bags become their property and gives them comfort and essential items in what are often very difficult and sad situations. It costs us between $80 to $120 to make every bag and we are hoping people can help whether its the offer to fund 1, 2 or 10 bags. We also have smaller individual items listed if you would like to help but can't afford a whole bag. Please consider helping us this season to make vulnerable children’s lives just a little brighter.