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Fund what's needed

Fridge/freezer - medium

A single father of young child displaced after 2022 floods, transient, homeless, and staying in emergency accommodation.

Indigenous 49yr old single father of a 5yr old boy who were displaced by the floods that impacted the northern rivers being able to find stability and secure temporary accommodation.

Father of child does not receive any government benefits for the child. Father has secured casual work at a local tourist resort. Which is barely enough to provide for both plus the essentials and costs of living

Mother of child is not coping after the breakdown of her family and has entered a mental health facility.

Father has requested assistance in making their place a home.


Brunswick Heads NSW 2483

Fridge/freezer - medium

My client has just been approved for a permanent tenancy and is in urgent need of white goods, specifically a refrigerator.

You are offering to fund what's needed:

Quantity 1
$750.00 each

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