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Domestic & Family Violence

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Crockery and cutlery set (4 place setting) - crockery, cutlery, cups

NZ born mother of 5 children, mental health issues due to children's ill health & others being taken from her.

Woman of NZ origin has 5 children aged between 2 & 12 from two fathers. This woman does not know where the father of her three older children is but she lived in a domestic violence relationship with this man. This woman finds it difficult to relive her past and would not go into into specific details but this woman urgently relocated from one side of town to another and was unable to take any of her personal possessions with her, she has no small appliances, bed linen, towels or clothing. The three older children are now cared for by this woman's sister - she sees them fortnightly. The two younger children are in foster care and she sees them monthly (the Foster family does not want there more than once a month). Her second eldest child has been diagnosed with ADHD and her youngest child who is 2 years also has ADHD (undiagnosed). This woman is receiving Job Seeker. The stress of losing her children and escaping DV has caused severe trauma, anxiety, depression and sleep apnea.


Redfern NSW 2016

Crockery and cutlery set (4 place setting) - crockery, cutlery, cups

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$50.00 each

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