School Shoes
Young person facing extreme financial hardship and requiring school shoes
This young person is in year 10 and lives alone with his mother. This young person has a traumatic brain injury and a number of other physical disabilities which can impact on their daily functioning. Even through this adversity, this young person engages well with schooling and has a number of goals and aspirations for when they graduate. This young person and his mother are facing extreme financial hardship and are unable to afford new school shoes and due to the ongoing medical costs that the family are facing, this exacerbates their situation. This young person also requires a size 15 mens shoe for school and after some research, appropriate shoes for school (all black leather/fake leather) in this size, can only be found on footlocker or nike for $170. If there is a chance that this young person is able to receive the support to have new school shoes, this will positively impact on his life as well as access to education and learning.