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Single mum of 2 kids w/ mental health and special needs, mum also has mental health + physical disability, financial harship

Single mum who is experiencing mental and physical health difficulty whilst caring for two children aged 10 and 17, both children also experiencing mental health difficulty and special needs. Mum often finds it hard to keep up with daily house cleaning chores due to her physical and mental health. Mum is currently unable to find work that accommodates to her physical health needs and as such is experiencing financial hardship as a single mother. Mum is hardworking and motivated but faces several barriers when it comes to financial wellbeing, and most resources go to food and necessities for the children


Caboolture QLD 4510


Vouchers for Harvey Norman to purchase benchtop dishwasher - approx 200$.
A benchtop dishwasher is required due to nil space in their kitchen for regular sized dishwashers.
Benchtop dishwasher will allow family to better keep up with daily cleaning chores and lessen strain on mum who cannot stand for long periods of time i.e. to do dishes.

You are offering to fund what's needed:

Quantity 1
$200.00 each

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