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Domestic & Family Violence

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Big W voucher - $100

Mother currently residing in DFV refuge, working towards reunification with her young son

This request would go towards a mother who is currently residing in emergency accommodation due to fleeing an unsafe and violent relationship. This woman has experienced horrific abuse perpetrated by her ex-partner, who is now out in the community and continues to try and contact her daily.

We are hoping that through the support of the refuge, we can assist this woman in healing from her trauma and in starting a new chapter in her life.


Salisbury QLD 4107

Big W voucher - $100

We are wishing to request a gift voucher to Big W so that this mother can purchase her own portable air conditioning unit to assist her, and her 2-year-old son feel more comfortable whilst residing in our DFV emergency accommodation. Approximate costs of a potable air con from Big W is $300.

You are offering to fund what's needed:

3 needed
No more than 3 are needed to fill this request
$100.00 each

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Domestic & Family Violence


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