Backpack - Generic
Flood affected single mother, lost rental & all possessions in storage shed in floods. Needing support to make home safe.
UPDATE 20/1/2025
- Seeking back to school support. Single mother who is now paying rent at the temporary pod village and had almost no work over the Festive/Summer break. Experiencing economic hardship.
Mother and child had to be saved by the SES emergency services. Family have been displaced since the floods & have lived in emergency housing and moved emergency housing many times. Finally, they were allotted a pod. Having gone through the loss, taking care of her son and his well-being and trying to give him stability amid all the chaos, mother is exhausted and has reached out for support. Mental health support is being provided. Seeking support to purchase a security gate for their pod home to deter people from entering their property uninvited and to support family's mental health recovery.