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Tropical Cyclone Alfred

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Mens Shoes

Family have lost everything in house fire and then cyclone came through.

I have a really great family who have lost everything due to a house fire. The fire occurred on the Wednesday night and then Cyclone Alfred came through on the Thursday. They literally have the clothes on their backs. They have been bunkered down with family friends in Ballina until they can find someone to stay with who is closer to school and work. As you can imagine the family is devastated and the 3 boys who attend school here have lost everything they own. The school has provided the boys with new uniforms, books and stationery, and paid all school fees. But at the minute the family require so much more to get back on their feet. Any financial help would be greatly appreciated. The family are valuable members of our school community and have just had some awful luck. Thanks again for your support.


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Elanora QLD 4221

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Mens Shoes


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