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Domestic & Family Violence

Give what's needed

Car Seat

Young mother of an 8-month-old who has outgrown his baby capsule and desperately needs a safe car seat for transporting

The young mother has endured significant trauma from her experience with domestic violence. This has included emotional, psychological, and possibly physical abuse, leaving her feeling vulnerable and anxious.

Her primary concern now is the safety and well-being of her 8-month-old baby. The lack of a safe car seat adds to her stress, as she needs reliable transportation to access essential services, medical appointments, and support networks. Living in a community without public transport options exacerbates her situation, making the need for a car seat even more urgent.


Drop off Post/Courier Voucher


Penguin TAS 7316

Pledge to give this item:

Car Seat

Could this please be possible to made out for the baby shop in our community, they have online vouchers that can purchased. This would be easier for the young mum to collect. Otherwise, she will need to buy online and have one posted due to the distance she will have to travel. As the nearest city is 90km away.
Frankie Street - Smithton -


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Dedicated organisations request the donations they need through the GIVIT site.


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