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Give what's needed

Hard Drive - Portable

Assisting graduating Special School students to stay connected and mentally healthy post school.

This request is on behalf of the 2025 graduating students from our regions only State Special School. All of the students have a significant Intellectual Disability and most have other emotional and physical complications as well.

In 2025 we will be graduating 11 year 12 students, all of which would benefit greatly from owning a laptop or tablet to aid with their post school learning journey and continuing with their IT communication skills.

The school consists of mostly low socioeconomic families so they don't have the financial means to provide devices for the students once they leave school. 5 of the students are capable of using a laptop and the other 6 require the use of specialised communication software which is only for IPad.

These devices will create opportunity for them to stay connected with peers and the community and greatly enhance their mental health and wellbeing post school and into the future.




Mundingburra QLD 4812

Pledge to give this item:

Hard Drive - Portable


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You are offering to purchase this item, or a voucher from a local store, and pay delivery costs to get it to the recipient's support organisation.

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Dedicated organisations request the donations they need through the GIVIT site.


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