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Far North Queensland Flooding 2023

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Profoundly Deaf Senior Citizen Lost Everything in Floods

An 88 year old man, who is totally deaf lost all of his household due to the devastating impact of Tropical Cyclone Jasper, which caused catastrophic flooding across North Queensland. Black water inundated his home and damaged all of his possessions. The mud and sewerage in the floods meant the home became declared
not fit for living. He was forced to move into alternate accommodation during this time, and was able to utilise the facilities, furniture and appliances that are at that residence. It is hoped that the major repair works undertaken in the past approx. 12 months will be reaching completion in the foreseeable future.

With the imminent completion of repairs and restoration of his home, he will need various items to replace what was lost so he can again live there. This loss has placed significant emotional distress and overwhelming financial burden on him, and the immediate priority is to restore safe and liveable conditions as quickly as possible, so he can find comfort.


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Mossman QLD 4873

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