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Give what's needed

window shades for car, power point protectors, cupboard locks etc.

Young mum to be, trying to build a better life for herself and her little family

Young mum to be, has recently moved 3 hours' drive away from her family, friends and other supports to live with her partner and his family. This is not ideal as the house is crowded, with his parents and 3 teenage brothers also living in the home. She is now very remote and at times struggles with this. Subjected to and witnessed FV/DV as child with parents, grew up with grandparents. She is attending all medical appointments in her previous town, there are a few issues with baby, so extra travel to appointments which is 3 hours' drive away. She is looking to study online at university, has been accepted in to study dual degree in Agriculture and Law. Has applied for Jobseeker but yet to be granted, has applied for a job but needs to be able to pay for certificate and working with vulnerable people card prior to commencement. Needs a lot of items for baby, however no current income. Is worried about not being prepared, any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Drop off Post/Courier Voucher


Grafton NSW 2460

Pledge to give this item:

window shades for car, power point protectors, cupboard locks etc.

You are offering to purchase this item, or a voucher from a local store, and pay delivery costs to get it to the recipient's support organisation.

Delivery details

I can drop off to an organisation in my area

I can send Australia-wide at my expense

I can purchase a voucher and email it to the organisation

Item details

Please provide one or multiple photos of the item you wish to give

You are offering to volunteer your services.

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How to donate

Dedicated organisations request the donations they need through the GIVIT site.


Pledge to give, buy or fund what is needed


Connect with support organisation

If you already have what is needed or plan to buy it, connect with the organisation regarding collection, delivery or purchase


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