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Domestic & Family Violence

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Aboriginal woman requires a laptop to complete her second year of study at TAFE

Aboriginal single mother in her second year of study needs assistance with a laptop to complete her studies. This woman has shown a dedication to provide a better life for her child by returning to study as a mature aged student. She is currently completing her Diploma, after studying her Cert IV last year.
She is currently facing financial hardship due to high rental prices in the private sector and high cost of living expenses.


Drop off Post/Courier Voucher


Broadmeadows VIC 3047

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I can send this item Australia-wide

I can purchase a voucher and email it to the organisation

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How to donate

Dedicated organisations request the donations they need through the GIVIT site.


Pledge to give, buy or fund what is needed


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If you already have what is needed or plan to buy it, connect with the organisation regarding collection, delivery or purchase


FUND it now

If you choose to FUND it, GIVIT will buy it on your behalf and your donation over $2 is tax deductible

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