Base & Mattress - Queen
Mother with 2 young children fleeing QLD home to SA due to Domestic violence
Single mother of 2 young children fled her QLD home to SA (police assisted).She was let down by family in SA claiming to support her but endured further sexual and psychological abuse.Supported into DV housing she engaged well with supports,however unfortunately was exited into homelessness after being in the DV Housing for >2 years.She sold her furniture & found alternate accommodation with a homeowner living in their lounge room. Being in the middle of Covid & Housing Crisis she could not secure her own private rental property & the accommodation she did eventually secure was substandard and dangerous (although was thru a local private DV charity). Client believed she was safer living her her car with her children which she did for some time, before finally securing long term accommodation. She has lived in the property since May, and has limited furniture in fear she will only have to move out of the property due to her unstable housing the last 4 years at no fault of her.