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Domestic & Family Violence

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Security Camera

Young single mum with 2 children fleeing domestic violence and has recently been being stalked by her user of violence

Young single mum with 2 children fleeing domestic violence. Victim survivor who has recently been being stalked by her user of violence . Specialist DV support engaged, local police notified of all incidents , victim survivor would like to install security cameras to have proof to submit to local authorities when needed. Young mum is living in fear and becomes very anxious with each noise in her yard. Often times she has discovered it is a tree limb rubbing against her windows however the anxiety and fear she feels in that moment not knowing who or what is outside is crippling this poor young mother. Having security systems installed will not deter the behaviour but will put her mind at ease having proof and a way to see what is going on outside without having to physically go out and look her self.


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Alice Springs NT 0870

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Security Camera

Do.esric violence survivors living in fear of every noise she hears as her user of violence has recently started stalking her. She makes police reports wverytime but would love to be able to produce evidence it is him through security footage


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