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Washing Powder

Sole parent dealing with health, employment and financial issues needing support

Lovely lady with three daughters going through challenging times. In November 24 she was taken ill and had to start having tests, this affected her employment, and her hours were dropped dramatically. Then her relationship broke down and due to separation, she was left to cope with private rent, paying the bills, groceries and all other expenses on her own. Since November it has been really tough. Due to her visa status there is limited financial income from Centrelink. The past weeks have been financially stressful with the children returning to school and Mum needing surgery. Now waiting on results to see what will happen next. She has not been able to supply the girls with all their needs for school and sometimes Mum will skip meals to make sure that the girls are well looked after first. This is a concern for her ongoing recovery and wellbeing. To be able to offer support for groceries, clothing and stationery right now would be received with much gratitude.


Drop off Post/Courier Voucher


Mirrabooka WA 6061

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Washing Powder


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