Hardware voucher - $100
Indigenous couple on pension rebuilding lives after loss to flooding and family separation. Sole carer for their Grandson.
This elderly, indigenous couple have been through 3 major floods in Brisbane and as they are older now, are struggling with rebuilding after the 2022 floods. The family home is not as strong as it used to be and money is very tight. They have suffered poor health lately and this has impacted finances and mental health. They lost electricity to the living area of their home after the 2022 floods and due to old wiring, have been unable to get the electricity back to a large portion of the home. We have applied for Resilient Homes Grant who have advised that this is not covered by the flood grant. We have sourced a kind electrician who will provide his services for free however need your help with sourcing the materials needed for the works to get this family back on the grid We would be grateful for your support with some hardware vouchers to purchase the necessary items required to make this happen. THANK YOU!
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