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VIC Storms February 2024

Give what's needed

Washing Machine - 5-7KG

Mirboo North lady with financial struggles hit with severe storms and power outages, lost all food for herself and two cats.

Mirboo North resident living alone as a tenant when the storms caused havoc. Falling trees barricaded the woman inside her home for up to 5 days. She lost all her food that was stocked up, including her cat food she planned for due to her financial situation. She has no employment due to health issues and no working vehicle as she cannot afford the repairs. Resident could use some help with food vouchers to replenish her and her cat's food.


Post/Courier Voucher


Leongatha VIC 3953

Pledge to give this item:

Washing Machine - 5-7KG

Resident's washing machine has stopped working and has been inspected by a handyman. Resident's machine was never the same after the storm events which may have been a result of electrical faults.


I will pay for what's needed right now


You are offering to purchase this item, or a voucher from a local store, and pay delivery costs to get it to the recipient's support organisation.

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I can purchase a voucher and email it to the organisation

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How to donate

Dedicated organisations request the donations they need through the GIVIT site.


Pledge to give, buy or fund what is needed


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If you choose to FUND it, GIVIT will buy it on your behalf and your donation over $2 is tax deductible

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