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First Nations Support

Give what's needed

Kmart voucher - $100

Christmas is around the corner! Please support us in supporting families in need.

I work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families through a space that focuses on providing culturally appropriate support whilst they navigate through the joys and complexities of life. It is not an easy journey and many families have experienced extensive hardship and continue to experience ongoing struggles such as mental health, domestic violence, homelessness, isolation, ostracism, health concerns and more.
It is important that during the festive season, we all dig deep to find the joy and kindness within ourselves to support those in need. Many families are unable to provide a Christmas lunch, many children may only receive 1-2 gifts or none at all. Many families may be far away from their community and may be having Christmas alone this year. Many families may be in emergency accommodation due to homelessness or DV situations.

This is an opportunity to support families that would deeply appreciate any amount of support for their Christmas Day!


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Salisbury QLD 4107

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