Helping refugee families start the school year on the front foot
Read the real-life impact of refugee donations with GIVIT for kids going back to school
As schoolkids in Melbourne looked forward to returning to school after a disrupted 2020, an Australian retailed stepped up to help refugee and asylum seeker families in the western suburbs give their kids the supplies they need to start the new school year right.
Via GIVIT, Smiggle donated well over 250 items including school bags, lunchboxes, drink bottles and pencil cases to West Welcome Wagon.
West Welcome Wagon (WWW) is a volunteer-run not-for-profit that provides material aid and support to refugees and asylum seekers in Melbourne's west, including areas like Brimbank, Hobsons Bay, Maribyrnong and Wyndham. Assisting more than 800 families, including more than 500 with school-aged children from more than 30 different countries, WWW provides donations for refugees including furniture, bedding, clothing, children's toys and appliances.
WWW Chairman Chris Scarris said the children would love the back to school packs. He said the organisation usually helps between 200 and 300 children each school year, but had already reach out to 450 children this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

It's really good as we're trying to help out as many kids as we can with stationery, backpacks and lunchboxes. There are about 15 boxes of stuff, so that will get us through the first half of the year.
Donated stationery vital for child refugees
While donating stationery might not seem ground-breaking, the items are hugely important for children settling in a new country. They face challenges such as adjusting to a new culture, a new language and a new way of life. In these new and often scary places, the right school supplies make young people feel seen and welcomed.
Many refugee families face financial problems because they cannot obtain employment. As a result, school supplies may not be a top priority compared to weekly food. These donations will help asylum seeker children have the same items as other kids at school.
How to help young students with territory education via GIVIT
GIVIT provides school supplies for disadvantaged students at school and territory or TAFE to ensure they can finish their education opportunity. This callout is not only for kids. It runs all year and helps students of any age. GIVIT supports those facing challenges that are blocking their chance to continue their studies. Browse requests for help to finish TAFE qualifications here.
After such a difficult year for so many families, we’re so happy to be able to donate backpacks, lunchboxes, drink bottles and pencil cases in the hope that it gives kids the confidence to head back to school this year.
“During the bushfire disaster early last year, we had so many of our own team members come forward with stories from their customers about the devastation in their community or a family they knew who had lost everything. GIVIT made it possible to easily facilitate our donation straight to the families who needed it most, with the hope of putting a smile on their kids’ faces - exactly what Smiggle is all about!
How you can donate to help refugees
Not sure how to help asylum seekers in Australia? You can use GIVIT's keyword search on the 'what's needed' list to search for requests in Melbourne to support refugees or asylum seekers.
Unfortunately the end of the holidays isn’t the only time organisations request school donations. The charity West Welcome Wagon requested these items as part of our Back to School Appeal. Frontline organisations urgently need donations to help young people all year. Receiving these school donations at the start of each term is important.
2024 Update - Donate to Gaza refugees by providing what's needed
Refugees are regularly arriving in Australia after fleeing their home country. Organisations are providing humanitarian support and material aid to help families make a new start in a new country.
Recently, the crisis in Gaza has left millions displaced, forcing people to flee to other countries. Donations to Gaza refugees will ensure they can settle and build a life in a new country.
Families arrive with no possessions or support networks along with recovering from violated-related trauma. Together, we can help them recover from their harrowing experiences, and build new lives in Australia. Click here to see how you can donate to Gaza refugees from the occupied territory in Palestine.
How companies can help refugee families in Melbourne
West Welcome Wagon originally listed the requests for help as a GIVIT Together project in 2020. GIVIT Together is home to bigger requests and larger projects. Through GIVIT Together, people donate school supplies and more including:
- digital devices for a special school;
- a long list of items for a mum and kids escaping domestic violence to furnish their empty new home;
- musical instruments for a residential secondary school for vulnerable young people;
- furniture, tools and gardening supplies for the refurbishment of a homeless shelter; and
- winter clothing for an organisation supporting elderly First Nations Australians.
GIVIT Together gives companies, organisations, sports teams, schools, families, and other groups a way to target their social impact by donating to a project that catches their eye and their heart. For corporates, GIVIT Together is an interesting way to engage employees in the company's corporate social responsibility efforts. Community organizations can now request donations of services, time, and volunteers through GIVIT. This offers another way for groups to give back to their local area.
After such a difficult year for so many families, we’re so happy to be able to donate backpacks, lunchboxes, drink bottles and pencil cases in the hope that it gives kids the confidence to head back to school this year.